Pediatric Physical Therapy
Pediatric treatments designed especially for the needs of children in NJ
At Fort Lee Physical Therapy, our pediatric physical therapists help children to develop, regain and improve their ability to move. Depending on the age of the child, or the child’s physical limitations, moving may be learning how to roll or to sit on his/her own. Physical therapists assess the following skills and areas:
Muscle strength
Range of motion
Motor skills
A pediatric physical therapy treatment program is made specifically for each child using fun and educational activities. The child may need one-on-one sessions with a physical therapist, a home exercise program, special equipment to move, help managing care with other therapists and teachers and splints or casts to hold an arm or leg.
Pediatric physical therapists at Fort Lee PT, Bergen County use special equipment made just for children along with toys and play in order to encourage children to do their best in therapy.
For more inquiries about our treatment programs, call us at 201-585-7300 or fill out our contact form.
Have Questions?
Let us know if you have any questions about your treatment, our practice and whatever else is on your mind. We are here to help and we look forward to serving you!