Ankle Pain and Foot Physical Therapy
Foot and Ankle Pain Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist, Bergen County
Ankle and foot pain or injuries are very common with athletes, recreational activities, and even just normal daily tasks. Injuries and pain can range from minor sprains or strains to severe injuries such as fractures or from compensation (bunions etc). Pain can be noted from ligaments sprains, genetic predisposition, muscle imbalances, traumatic activities, or just plain getting older.
Foot physical therapy can be helpful by identifying the problem and looking for other related causes. This allows the ankle pain physical therapist to treat the causes while decreasing pain, and restoring your function. Gait analysis can be performed to ensure that the cause is not coming from other joints such as the knee, hip or even from your low back.
Many times conservative care through physical therapy for ankle pain and foot therapy can prevent surgery especially for ligament tears. Post operatively, foot physical therapy can decrease pain, improve biomechanics and guide you to return to activity. At Fort Lee PT, the latest and best evidence-based techniques and treatments are utilized to restore flexibility, joint mobility, strength, and balance– getting you effectively and efficiently back to function.
If you are looking to return to recreational sport/activity or just to be able to walk or run without pain, our ankle pain physical therapists have the tools available to help you achieve your goals.
For more inquiries about our treatment programs, call us at 201-585-7300 or fill out our contact form.
Highly personalized and effective treatments
We believe that this one- on- one approach, coupled with patient education and the latest medically proven therapy techniques is the best way to provide you with the recovery that you deserve.
Treating clients with dignity
Our clients' dignity and goals are always kept in mind.
Treatment paired with education and useful information
We treat people of all ages with acute and chronic ailments and we place a strong emphasis on home exercise programs along with patient education for better long-term results.
Safety is paramount
Our highly trained, professional therapists use the latest techniques which are safe and therapeutic. We are also COVID-compliant.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to helping you find pain relief, improve function to your body and maximize your physical well-being.
We aim to remain the premier provider of rehabilitation in the communities we serve.
Through our highly personalized, attentive care we aim to make your time spent with us remarkable and effective so that we become the outpatient provider and partner of choice in the communities we serve.
We're A Team Of EXPERTS
Our highly skilled physical therapists hold a DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) Degree. This is the highest attainable degree in the physical therapy field, requiring 7-8 years of upper level education. Our physical therapist assistant has over 20 years experience in physical therapy.
Rest assured – you are in safe hands.
Have Questions?
Let us know if you have any questions about your treatment, our practice and whatever else is on your mind. We are here to help and we look forward to serving you!