Work-related Injury Rehabilitation - Fort Lee Physical Therapy - Fort Lee, NJ

Work-related Injury Rehabilitation

Assistance for employees with traumatic or overuse injuries that occur on or off the job.


Why choose Fort Lee Physical Therapy?

When you are experiencing pain or a decline in performance unique to a work-related injury, it makes sense to seek a highly trained professional – someone who can help you return to work using cutting-edge techniques that are supported by the latest in science. Fort Lee Physical Therapy is where you’ll find that professional. You’ll be treated with the same advanced techniques that we use to treat world-class athletes. Your physical therapist will design a treatment program to improve your function, maximize your abilities and speed your recovery.

How is work-related injury rehabilitation approached at Fort Lee Physical Therapy?

At Fort Lee Physical Therapy, our program is designed to maintain the health, wellness and safety of the workforce through evaluation and reconditioning of injured workers. Our services support work-injury prevention and employee rehabilitation, and help decrease time on disability as well as costs related to lost work time. We can assist physicians, insurance companies, case managers and employees by providing education regarding ergonomic work practices and use of protective body mechanics that help establish and maintain healthy work habits.

For more inquiries about our treatment programs, call us at 201-585-7300 or fill out our contact form.


Have Questions?

Let us know if you have any questions about your treatment, our practice and whatever else is on your mind. We are here to help and we look forward to serving you!